Sunday, January 23, 2011

2009 Seven Pointer

This was the second young buck to come in real close to me this season and with hunting opportunities down to a few remaining weekends, I decided to take him. He walked in from the north, picked up the doe trail and headed towards me on my left about 30 yards out, lots of trees obstructing a shot(S wind,10km). He walk over to where my foot prints had crossed the doe trail and stopped to sniff. I had coon urine scent on my boots, and I had placed some Code Blue buck urine on one tree limb beside me and some doe in estrus on another limb.  The buck followed my foot prints to within 10 yards of the stand slightly quartering to me. I had just one lane to get a clear shot through some fallen tree limbs,so I stopped him with a meee... and realized I had forgoten to take the safety off, the deer looked to the north turning more broadside, I squeezed off the shot, looked like a good hit. I watched his departure to the north and he disappeared into the cedars but I didn't here him crash. I waited an hour before climbing down to check my arrow which was covered with bright red blood and a lot of white hair. I waited another 1/2 hr before taking up the blood trail that was very easy to follow in the snow. I found the buck about 70 yards out just about where I had last seen him. You could tell by the melted snow that he had bedded down right there.Posted by Picasa

Recently got my 7point mount back from the taxidermist.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Outdoor Nebraska: Dick Turpin Mountain Lion

Wide Beams - Ontario Monster

On my way to my deer hunting grounds, I stopped a long the way to video this amazing buck.

Monday, January 3, 2011

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Look Who Showed Up

The deer make rare daytime move through my hunting spot about an hour after I left the area. For the 2010 deer season, the deer where very nocturnal, with daytime sightings way down. Over the three month season, I saw seven deer. I passed on a 6pt buck at 10 yards and a fawn that walked right under my treestand. It was a lot of fun and I can't wait until next season.

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Last Hunt For 2010

Here I am heading back to the treestand after switching SD cards in the trail cam. I hunted until 2:30pm with no deer sightings.
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